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High School DxD Wiki

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All of the relationships between Amenominakanushi and some of the most notable characters of the Supernatural World. Due to having hidden away and being an extremely arrogant villain, Amenominakanushi is generally not so popular and is even despised by the majority of whatever acquaintances he has.

Former Love interest[]


Kami-musubi is the Divine Creator of the Shinto Faction and one of Amenominakanushi's fellow Kami. Though veiled in obscurity, the status of their relationship is particularly unclear. Izanami-no-Mikoto inaccurately states they have no comradery. In short stories, that statement is debunked, as it is confirmed that Amenominakanushi and Kami-musubi were lovers for a time. Though the relationship isn't explicitly shown, Takami-musubi's and Amenominakanushi's personal thoughts on Kami-musubi hint that the affair was mostly one-sided, with Kami-musubi merely manipulating the Central Master for her own gain.

In the past, Amenominakanushi had close bonds with her and Takami-musubi, treating both as equals and comrades. But, due to her much more composed and diligent attitude, he probably found her more reliable and trustworthy than Takami whom he treated more like an annoying little sister. This would explain how Kami-musubi was easily able to charm him. Whatever the case, for a certain period of time, he was absolutely smitten with her.

After learning about her true motives, his consciousness was deeply scarred. He refused put his trust in anyone but himself and abandoned the notion of things like love and comradery. Kami-musubi's machinations play a key part in shaping Amenominakanushi's current personality as a terrible, heartless deity.



Takami-musubi is the High Creator of the Shinto Faction and one of Amenominakanushi's fellow Kami. Her exact relationship with the Central Master is made much more explicit than Kami-musubi's. Izanami-no-Mikoto inaccurately states they have no comradery. In short stories, that statement is debunked, as it is confirmed that Amenominakanushi and Takami-musubi were like family for a time. Takami's personal monologue reveals that the Central Master treated both her and Kami-musubi with immense respect. She was particularly fond of his praises and compliments for her, which may have sparked instinctive attachment for him, as he made her feel cherished. Their bond was similar to both inseparable siblings and a girl and her oblivious senior crush.

However, this harmonic dynamic changed for the worse over the years. With the Kotoamatsukami undergoing a severe existential crisis, Takami became more rash and she clung more to Amenominakanushi for moral support. Due to apathy and narcissism rapidly festering in his heart, as well as his infatuation with Kami-musubi, Amenominakanushi felt like Takami-musubi was wasting his time and intruding his personal life, so he shunned her away harshly. Of course, whenever he crossed a line, he would quickly try to patch things up with her, making some sweet gestures for her sake, which kept her bond with him from breaking.

Takami-musubi was secretly jealous of her fellow Kami's love affair and asked herself why Amenominakanushi refused to treat her like he treated Kami-musubi, hinting that she genuinely desired his affection. Takami-musubi realized quickly that Kami-musubi was merely using him, as she could see past her quirky charms and sweet nothings, and wished to warn him in advance, but Kami-musubi saw it coming and preformed several mind-altering spells on her mind to make her complacent in her little game.

The stress that her mind experienced during this one time period was too much for her to handle and she broke. All her sadness, rage, jealousy, confusion and obsession were cramped into bursts of extreme cruelty and violence. At first, she tormented lesser beings to ease her mind, but after a while, she got drunk on the feelings of control and relaxation the gore brought her and it became her prime to hobby. In addition, still fairly attached to Amenominakanushi, she began forcing herself into his life, playing cruel pranks on him, increasing his workload by wrecking Takamagahara, teasing him about his 'failed love life', etc. This earned her the absolute hatred and loathing of the First Kami, and they began arguing non-stop. To Takami-musubi, this was perfect, as it was both sweet revenge and a dream come true - for most of Amenominakanushi's attention to be on her alone.

Even after the Kotoamatsukami disbanded, Takami-musubi kept paying the occasional, annoying visit to Amenominakanushi every few thousand years. And upon their reunion in Takamagahara, Amenominakanushi and Takami-musubi did not share a single sentimental moment and just jumped to arguing, mocking and teasing each other. Amenominakanushi's disdain for her attitude may have mellowed out over the years, as he is shown to at least mildly care about her.

Ironically, as antagonistic as their relationship may be on the surface, Takami-musubi is the closest thing to a 'genuine friend' that Amenominakanushi has. She's also the only being who ever felt genuine affection for him.

Neutral-Friendly Acquaintances[]


Izanagi-no-Mikoto is a japanese god of creation and the grandfather of Issei Hyoudou. Apparently tutored by Amenominakanushi on the ways of Shinto, Izanagi was his favorite. According to Amenominakanushi, Izanagi is a man who knows his role in the universe and he plays it perfectly without complaint. Nothing is known of Izanagi's perspective on the Kotoamatsukami, but from the way his master speaks of him, it could be assumed that he was extremely respectful of them. Amenominakanushi's favoritism for Izanagi is quickly replaced with bitter disdain after he unjustly locked Izanami in Yomi.


Izanami-no-Mikoto is the japanese goddess of creation and death and the grandmother of Issei Hyoudou. Originally, there was less of an actual relationship as there was just a simple awareness of each other's existences. Amenominakanushi's initial thoughts on her is that she is simply a dumb-minded 'baby-factory' for Izanagi. Upon confronting her in Yomi however, the Shinto Kami begins to value her a lot more than he did originally and even shows some signs of slight genuine empathy and respect for her. He even gives her a rose as a gift, that could grant her the power to rule over Yomi and fuse her consciousness with its structure. Even though he has no qualms about manipulating her into doing exactly what he wants, he still does it because he thinks both she and him deserve some form of justice.

Izanami herself doesn't seem to remember her encounter with Amenominakanushi. She's genuinely shocked to learn that he is fighting her grandson over a petty reason. And despite all her respect for the Central Master, she still wants Issei to come off victorious.

Besides some other rare cases, Izanami is the only woman Amenominakanushi has called "beautiful" and "admirable".

The root of Amenominakanushi 'empathy' for the goddess may stem from the 'betrayed by a loved one' aspect of her fate. Both she and her genuinely loved a fellow Kami of theirs, and put all their trust in them, only to have that trust trampled later down the line. It probably hurts him even more, knowing that what's essentially his 'son'-figure caused that.

Over many centuries after that event, Amenominakanushi may have once more grown completely apathetic towards the goddess, explaining his complete disregard for Issei's heroic attempts to redeem and save her.


Issei Hyoudou[]

The single most worst and lowliest vermin of all, according to the Central Master. Between Issei Hyoudou and Amenominakanushi there is not one aspect of their relationship that is positive, at least initially. Each have their own reasons to hate one another and they both act upon that hatred with zero remorse. Even if Amenominakanushi was at first patient of Issei's existence, and Issei somewhat respectful of the Central Master's status, this mutual tolerance was shattered when Issei freed Izanami and Amenominakanushi destroyed the Sun. The Central Master goes as far as to target Issei Hyoudou's family and attempts to destroy him by throwing him inside a black hole. The results backfired on Amenominakanushi's face as Issei was able to turn the power of the black hole that nearly destroyed him against the First Kami himself. At this point in time, their hatred towards one another reaches its absolute peak. The conflict between the two has been noted to have taken a huge toll on both's sanity.

As they both purify their bodies and minds of the ill-effects of newly obtained power (Issei - black hole; Amenominakanushi - Samael's Poison) and achieve mental clarity, they both slowly realize they have a few things in common. They also stop belittling each other and grow a tad respectful of one another as two formidable opponents. Though they still fail to truly understand what their individual motivations entail, they come to the agreement that the things they are protecting mean too much for them to back down. In the end, Amenominakanushi accepted his defeat quite gracefully and even thanked Issei for giving him the opportunity let out a millenia worth of collected stress.


The Dragon Eater is an immensely powerful entity, possessing extremely lethal attributes. Being one of the few entities to be able to damage the Great Red and Ophis, Amenominakanushi seeks to use its tremendous power to bring about Issei Hyoudou's and his allies' annihilation. The First Kami is uncaring of Samael's consent and merely uses him as a tool of destruction, thus he garners the hatred of the dragon-fallen angel hybrid.

After fusing with Samael, Amenominakanushi makes a desparate attempt to take full control over their merged body, but it has seemingly been too late long before the fusion itself. Samael attacks the First Kami and easily overwhelms him. He then proceeds to torture Amenominakanushi with a clear intent to break his will. According to Samael himself, Amenominakanushi is even worse than the dragon-kin and he desires to torment him until he is on the verge of absolute insanity. 

Amenominakanushi has shown genuine terror at the mere sound of Samael's voice. 

Vali Lucifer[]

Unlike with Issei, the First Kami and the Descendant of Lucifer don't hold any sort of grudge towards one another. Neither do they think highly of one another. They are merely circumstantial enemies, driven by similar catalysts. Due to how prideful they are, the two always seem to try to "outclass" one another, proving one superior over the other.

Hero Faction[]

Amenominakanushi doesn't hold any qualms regarding the Hero Faction and is rather uncaring of their presence. Still, their interference in his conflict annoys him greatly.

Natural Enemy[]


While have barely had any interactions, Amenominakanushi and Amatsu-Mikaboshi share a bloody history, seemingly in conflict with one another as the Primordial Void and the Originating Heart of Light before they were even their own seperate entities.

Far in the past, not long after the initial creation of everything, Amatsu-Mikaboshi tried to return it all back to the state of Nothingness, but Amenominakanushi using his powers and intelligence managed to defeat and seal the dark entity away into Soku, the deepest portion of the Shinto World.

Amenominakanushi is paranoid of it returning and attempting to destroy Creation once again. It can be inferred that Amenominakanushi's fear of Mikaboshi was the sole reason why he didn't want Issei Hyoudou to further disturb the balance of his faction, else Mikaboshi finds a way to free itself.
